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How to write a business proposal

Great, your presentation went well and now your potential client wants a formal business proposal.  But you haven't done a proposal in years, or have never done one.  How do you  structure it, and how do you write one?  If you have those questions, you have come to the right place.  

Think like your client

This is critical to your success


Plan out your client's goals  

Put yourself in your client's shoes, what does he or she really need and want?


What can you actually accomplish    

But honest about your capabilities, knowing your limits will go far in setting up your proposal


Be passionate

Yes, being excited and passionate about your proposal is important as it shows how much you care.

Planning your business proposal only takes a few moments.   
We want to help you properly plan out in just 3 steps how to think about your business plan and then execute.  We will be adding features and other items as time goes on, but for now all you need to know are our three basic steps to thinking about yoru porposal and then how to create it.  


607 Boyslton Street, LL
Boston, MA 02108



How to write a business proposa  

Your free guide on writing a great proposal